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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

BREAKING! Dem Operative Caught In Undercover Video Explaining How They Allegedly Stole 2020 Election in GA: From Kicking Out GOP Poll Watchers to Nursing Home Ballot Harvesting to Identifying A Driver in 2000 Mules | The Gateway Pundit

A stunning undercover video that was just released by Steven Crowder, reveals a Democrat operative, who can be seen explaining to an undercover female how members of his party are stealing elections from Republicans. During his lengthy discussion, Joel Caldwell, the director of operations for The Coalition For The People’s Agenda in Georgia explains how elections are stolen, by using a variety of methods, from kicking Republican poll watchers out of the State Farm Arena in 2020 because of an alleged water main break, to ballot harvesting in nursing homes, to verifying the 2000 Mules movie was accurate, while admitting he believes he was able to identify a union member’s vehicle that was seen in the Dinesh D’Souza movie based on True the Vote’s research.

This is the most important undercover video you will watch about how Democrats are reportedly stealing our elections.

According to Joel’s LinkedIn page, he is also the communication Specialist for the Georgia AFL-CIO.

Here is the shocking transcript of their conversation:

John Caldwell: Like the whole thing with the Dome. They was counting on. That was the big thing here, was countin’ the ballots at the Dome.

They was all counting ballots. They told them that it was a leak on the opposite side of the Dome. Everybody was to evacuate. Then when they all left, the Democrats went back in and started counting. The Republicans went back to the headquarters.

Undercover female: You know that for a fact?

John Caldwell: That’s what happened.

Undercover female: They made it seem like nothing to have… They legitimately had leak issues.

Joel Caldwell: Yeah. So they had said it was leak issues. So you see them on the video putting everything up. And they left.

No, they put someone on putting stuff up, and then you see them leave. And they was out in the parking lot when I guess they told them they could come back in. Or they was out in the parking lot and they was going to go back to headquarters. And so the Republicans left, the Republican Watchers—They all left. And so after they left, the Democrats went back in there and started counting. So that’s the videotape. You see them when they’re walking back in, pulling the shit out from underneath the tables. And during that hour… And then the other thing, the The other part was that when they were counting, I think during that hour, that stretch of that, it was only less than 100 votes was counted for Trump. And just statistically, you’re downtown, there’s going to be more than 100 votes for Trump.

That’s what happened in 2020 because that’s when them ballots, they started stuffing them ballots, and people are stuffing those ballots, and they got videotape of ’em, but nobody’s talks about it. That’s why Trump is making that big deal about it. You see it on videotape. It’s like, Come on. We see the man pull up and put 100 ballots in his box. You know, you can’t do this shit. Groups were paying people to do just that. Drop off ballots, go around and collect ballots, collect absentee ballots, drop ’em and forge ’em.

Undercover female: How did that even work? Okay, so if you’re paying someone, I’m not trying to do this, trust me, but if you’re a group and you’re paying someone to pick up the absentee ballots—Do people take the absentee ballots to the orgs and then the orgs distribute the pay? That’s confusing. It doesn’t make sense.

John Caldwell: No, it’s like, let’s say you’re my canvasser; I tell you to go around and pick up these absentee ballots from this area. You go pick them all up and drop them off in the box. It’s all different. I pay every week like a canvasser. You just get paid like a counselor. You’re on the clock for hours or many hours, driving around, picking up absentee ballots, and putting them in the ballot box.

Undercover female: What information do you need to actually know that these are certain areas that have a lot of absentee ballots?

John Caldwell: Oh, I mean, if that’s the case. You would just have—You would either have the region Like, with some—some groups was reaching out to the folks beforehand. So they were passing them out to other people and then coming back and getting them. Going down to a senior house, give everybody a ballot, come back and collect all their ballots and turn them in on. Then you take the ballots and then drop them off.

Undercover female: Then the groups would have whoever, the campuses, go and pick them up and then take them straight.

John Caldwell: Yeah, you can’t do that. That’s the illegal part. So think about it like this: if we’re going to steal an election—Let’s say Georgia is the perfect example. If you’re going to steal an election here, you’re not going to go to the outside of a Democratic Party, right? They’re not going to go outside of Atlanta or outside of Metro Atlanta and change the numbers in Republican counties. Right? Because that shit would just be too obvious. Change the numbers in your own county. You gonna fluctuate these numbers because it will just look the same.

Undercover female: It makes more sense to do it in Atlanta.

John Caldwell: It just hides better. So, like, if somebody’s coming up behind you and saying, well, you know you’ve been stealing votes—the first place they’re going to look is in the outlining counties where it’s red. Don’t change those numbers, right? Because then, if you flip that county that’s always been red to blue, which will…

Undercover female: Which will raise a red flag?

John Caldwell: Which will raise that flag. And when you come here to the city where there’s already a million and a half voters, and then you just increase the numbers—you’re already places that you want. You want to inflate the numbers that you already have versus trying to go to a red area and inflating those numbers because that would just obviously be wild.

Undercover female: So, you need to start doing in four years in advance.

John Caldwell: Yeah, if you’re trying to steal an election? Yeah, because you got to give a lot.

Undercover female: Dude, it makes sense. Because after 2016—people were mad.

John Caldwell: You got to pay a lot of people. You gotta pay a lot of people—get in them pockets! A lot of people—you know, people that you gotta get in position. You gotta get, you know—Everybody got to get a piece somewhere. Everybody got to get paid. Canvasser, ballot counters, people who are running the drop boxes, the election officials! You know, all of that gotta go on somebody’s payroll, you know–or a kickback or something somewhere.

In the movie, they didn’t—in the documentary, they never said what groups. They just said an investigation is being launched into non-profits in different states, so they never mentioned it.

Undercover female: They didn’t name…

John Caldwell: Nope, they didn’t name the orgs. They didn’t name the orgs. But they… I just always been waiting on that shit to drop because I was like, Well, yeah, they’re going to do an investigation. They got the evidence because they were showing that in the documentary, the closed-caption TVs of people pulling up. I told somebody when I got to the office because one of the cars in the video I recognize because they always at the building.

Undercover female: Who was it?

John Caldwell: I don’t know. I think it was a union I remember or something.

Undercover female: Probably.

John Caldwell: But that was when I first started. They just had one of them weird cars that–

Undercover female: That stood out.

John Caldwell: That stood out. I was like, I know who that was. I was like, Yeah, that’s rare.

Undercover female: That’s when he was up there all the time though, too?

John Caldwell: Yeah, that’s when When I first started. So I don’t know who car that really was.

Undercover female: Are they still up there?

John Caldwell: Nah, after I told him, I never saw the car again.

Undercover female: That’s crazy, dude. That’s so crazy! I’m telling you the truth man, looks like you. I was like, Hold up, man, when I first seen that. When (redacted) showed me that picture, I was like, “That better not be him!”

John Caldwell: No! Oh, hell no!

Undercover female: I was like…

John Caldwell: No.

Undercover female: But no. Um..

John Caldwell: But yeah, I knew they was doing stuff like that. That’s how they did it. That’s how they got one of the mayors, was they was um, dropping ballots in the boxes and stuff.Normally around..

Undercover female: Around here?

John Caldwell: Yeah, in Metro Atlanta for the mayor’s race—Metro Atlanta. What they normally do is how they do it—You know, when you’re trying to steal a race. You–You’re not trying to like–If you got Republican districts and Democrat districts, you’re trying to get the Democrat elected. What they do is they don’t go to the Republican. [Waiter interrupts]

Undercover female: How do you know they’re gonna do it again in 2024, though.

John Caldwell: What? Get all that they [inaudible] ballot? Oh, harvesting ballots and shit?

Undercover female: Yeah.

John Caldwell: That’s why the Republicans are always trying to fight the ballot. You know—that’s all—that’s the argument of the whole thing is because Republicans, they’re the ones who put out that stuff. So, they want to do like ID, voter ID and stuff. Democrats are fighting voter ID laws. So, you know, it’s a two-sided thing. That’s what they fighting over. Republicans are trying to say, like, ‘Hey, look, we got the proof of this shit.’ And then the Democrats are like, ‘Well, we don’t want voter ID laws and we want to make morelike so you can just drop your ballot off. Online voting. Different things that they try to come up with.

Undercover female: Dang!

John Caldwell: That’s the two sides—The two.

Undercover female: Yeah, they go back and forth.

John Caldwell: Mhmmm…So, that’s why it’s always something about voter ID laws. And then Politico just wrote an article about New Georgia Project. I’ll let you read it. It’s deep. When you see it, you’ll be like, Oh. I took a screenshot of it because I sent it to all the staff earlier this morning. I read the article, but yeah, I know what he said. I know it’s a group–I know all of them. So, when shit happened like that, I just be like, ‘Okay,’ and keep it pushing. When I saw that article, I was like, Okay, ’bout time. I figured that.

Undercover female: Cuz I know it’s hard to get fired from an actual nonprofit, though. Don’t be firing nobody.

John Caldwell: Uh-uh.

Undercover female: You got to be doing something real strange to be fired.

John Caldwell: Yeah.

You got to really be doing some wild shit.


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